So, new session, same old routine. Within days of beginning this year’s fall session of Parliament, one in which all parties agreed to behave in a civil manner, they already at each other’s throats. We can only imagine what the atmosphere on the Commons might be like in late November… assuming it’s even still in session at that point.
Wednesday’s vote on the long gun registry didn’t help matters much. The two main parties in direct opposition on the issue, with the NDP perched precariously somewhere in between. This is an issue of urban versus rural. But it's even more divisive than that. People in cities and towns all across the country are in a huff over this, and right now the country doesn’t really need another issue to be divided on.
Which brings me to the bigger issue here. Why is this the first order of business for our Parliamentarians this fall? Why is it even on the agenda at all? Do we not have enough problems that need to be resolution? The registry is clearly not very popular in some circles, but it has been in place for seven years, and its opponents seem to have largely accepted defeat on this issue. Is this really the time for us as a country to dig up old issues? What’s next Prime Minister, repealing same-sex marriage?
It seems the government is a bit out of touch on this one. How many people in Canada own guns? The number might actually surprise you. There are just over 1.8 million valid gun licences in Canada. That’s the same number of unemployed we have in this country.
Maybe I’m the one who’s out of touch, but it seems to me that we should spend more on getting the economy on track, and putting people back to work. Watch this video again, and look at the board behind John Baird. It doesn’t say guns on there. But instead, billions are going towards fighter jets. Another billion for a photo-op at the catastrophic G-8 summit in Toronto. More corporate tax cuts… the list goes on. How does any of this, including the de-registration of firearms, improve the lives of Canadians? Anybody want to talk about veterans’ health, or aboriginal rights?
Aren’t Parliamentarians supposed to be making policy that makes society run better? Laws that help foster innovation and create jobs and wealth within our boarders? Shouldn’t they be held to a higher moral and ethical standard than the ordinary Joe? I’m looking at you Helena Guergis & Max Bernier.
The government initiative to repeal the registry failed, again. And rather than moving on to resolving any of these issues, our Prime Minister promises to waste still more of his time on this going forward.
Mr. Harper, your country needs leadership. We have many problems we need you to solve. That’s why we’ve elected you, twice. You might consider focusing on things that are a bit more fundamental to Canadians if you intend on being elected a third time. All Parliamentarians should take a step back and look at what makes sense, instead of blindly pushing an agenda that doesn’t really accomplish anything. And for the love God, behave yourselves while you do it, it’s only been 2 days!
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